Sunday, August 8, 2021

Brestice je predivno naselje u opštini Nikšić u Crnoj Gori

U podnožju planine Pusti Lisac,nalazi se predivno naselje Brestice -25 kilometara od Nikšića.Pusti Lisac je najviši planinski vrh u Katunskoj nahiji i prepoznatljivim vrhom kupolastog oblika dominira na širokom prostoru između Orjena, Lovćena, Garača, Prekornice, Maganika, Vojnika i Njegoša.Zanimljivo je da ga i Njegoš spominje u pjesmi “Lijek jarosti turske”, stihovima: “ Bijela je pokliknula vila svrh Pustoga Lisca visokoga ”. Ako postoje vile, one stanuju u šumama i  škripovima ove čarne planine, dok u njegovom podnožju, ugledavši se na Lisca, skoro pusto osta selo Brestice(naselje u opštini Nikšić-Crna Gora).Kažu da su ga naselili negdje oko 1840.godine, no prije nego dođoše  doseljenici iz Cuca i drugih krajeva, poslaše dva-tri izaslanika da izvide može li se tamo živjeti i kakvo je to mjesto. Kada se vratiše iz izvidnice, ostali ih znatiželjno upitaše kako je tamo, a oni rekoše ,,Brez ‘tice!’’, te tako nastade naziv Brestice.Poslije Drugog svjetskog rata bilo je ovdje u Bresticama 65 domaćinstava, a onda je počela ona seoba za Vrbas(Srbija) i tada je puklo u Bresticama.Ljudi su se ovdje bavili poljoprivredom i stočarstvom, i svaka kuća je imala 50 do 200 grla sitne stoke i nešto krupne, rase autohtone...

Aluge su zeseok sela Brestice. Nalaze se u podnozju planine Pusti Lisac sa sjeverozapadne strane. Kroz Aluge je nekada prolazila granica između Stare Crne Gore i Hercegovine a sada se tu graniče teritorije opština Cetinje i Nikšić.Predio Aluge su do skoro bile bile najbogatiji dio središnje i južne CG šumskom vegetacijom ( bukva, bor, jela,...).Nažalost, više to nije tako jer je neodgovorna Vlada Crne Gore dozvolila nekontrolisanu sječu šumskog blaga, a zli ne-ljudi podmeću i požare!Dok se mještani  bore godinama sa vatrom i spasavaju svoje  kuće i imanja, oni pale i požare  koriste da bi ukrali kamion drva. Ovuda su 1943. godine prošli Italijani i Njemci i niko od njih nije palio šumu. Od 32 mje­sne za­jed­ni­ce na te­ri­to­ri­ji nikšćke op­šti­ne je­di­no Bre­sti­ča­ni pri­hva­ti­li da na nji­ho­voj te­ri­o­to­ri­ji bu­de iz­gra­đen azil, dok su osta­li pri­je­ti­li da će obje­kat za­pa­li­ti.U do­go­vo­ru s mje­šta­ni­ma Bre­sti­ce, kao i s vla­sni­kom ze­mlje(ze­mlji­šte od 2. 700 kva­drat­nih me­ta­ra ustu­pio je mje­šta­nin Slav­ko Kri­vo­ka­pić), šta u mi­nu­lom pe­ri­o­du ura­di­lo  se do­sta na re­vi­ta­li­za­ci­ji tog se­la ko­je je mal­te­ne bi­lo za­bo­ra­vlje­no.

Domaćinstvo Slavka Krivokapića(youtube)...

 ENGLISH SUMMARY;Pusti Lisac is the peak that rises southwest of the city of Nikišć, rising from the Katun karstic plateau in Katunska nahija region of Montenegro. Is the highest peak rising from this plateau, and also dominating visually the neighboring  heights because of its dome shape and isolated position.Northeast of Pusti Lisac is Slano Lake and Nikšićk field, west is the Grahovo area, to the north is Banjani region.From the top you can see the Katunska karst plateau with its summits (Budoš, Kopitnik, Garač and others), then the coastal mountains in Montenegro, the area of the Montenegrin high mountains (Bioč, Volujak, Durmitor, Vojnik, Crossing, Morava plan, Kučke planine, Prokletije), and also Hercegovian mountains.
Vikendica Mijata Krivokapića

Želite odmor iz snova, a ne znate kuda otići? Ne volite gužvu i gradsku vrevu koja vam unosi nemir? Želite da pronađete svoj mir? Mi imamo rešenje - etno-sela. Crna Gora je savršena destinacija za vaše putovanje. Iako površinski mala država, Crna Gora nudi mnogo svojim turistima, preko primorja, kontinentalnog dela, pa sve do najviših planinskih vrhova. ....

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Welcome to Banja Luka

Banja Luka is a city of youth and greenery, and numerous city streets are decorated with tree-lined streets, boulevards, parks and picnic areas with large trees.This city has a very rich history and numerous historical and cultural monuments that remember us of the past times. The largest and most impressive historical monument in Banja Luka is definitely the fortress Kastel, which is located on the left bank of the Vrbas River in the city center. The fortress dates back to Roman times, and it served as a military fortress to defend the city and river routes.In addition to fishing, the Vrbas river is great for many other water sports like rafting, kayaking, canoeing and you can take a ride on a unique boat called DAJAK which is one of a kind in the world. The city is known for its restaurants which serve local specialties and international cuisine and the unique “Banjalucki cevap“!...

Banja Luka/Republika Srpska....CLICK  on ALL PHOTOS for HIGHER RESOLUTION!.....Banja Luka/Republika Srpska...

Government of Republika Srpska-Banja Luka....
.. building of the Assembly of the City of Banja Luka...... The Banski Dvor Cultural Centre was built from 1929-1932 to become the headquarters of the governor (‘Ban’) of the Vrbas Banovina province (that which extends from Banja Luka to its outer lying districts, through which the River Vrbas flows).However, from 1955 it was handed over to the city’s cultural centre and since 1998 it has been become a public institution.The center’s aim is to combine a number of different types of performance, exhibition, public discussion, lectures and club and art studio under one roof.Much of the inside of the building has been preserved since the 1930s, with the concert and conference still possessing their original designs.This is a multi-faceted cultural hub which is in many ways the lifeblood of Banja Luka’s artistic and intellectual community…..

Gospodska Ulica (Stately Street) is main pedestrian zone in Banja Luka. In the part from the main shopping mall to City Hall, there is lot of shops with very special things. From the City Hall to National Theater of Republic of Srpska you can not count coffee bars, full of young people....Gospodska Ulica (Stately Street)...
Gospodska Ulica (Stately Street)...

Situated in the centre of Banja Luka, just 100 metres from the main square, Hotel Bosna AD is set in a renovated building. It features 2 restaurants with a terrace, 2 cafes, a night club and several kiosks and boutiques....
“Palas” Hotel in Banja Luka has been built in 1933, which marked the prosperous period of the town, connected with Ban Svetislav Tisa Milosavljevic and the Vrbas Assembly. By its appearance, style, location in the very heart of the city, as well as by its comfort of the urban hotel, Palas Hotel used to be and today also represents one of the most recognizable hotels of Banja Luka – the town on Vrbas River......

Palace of the Republic of Serbian in Banja Luka.....
Park Mladena Stojanovica-Named after a doctor and World War II national hero, this is the largest park in the downtown area of Banja Luka and consists of plenty to keep the locals busy, including a number of tennis courts, a cafe and a restaurant.....
.Banjaluka Challenger-Serbian tennis player Viktor Troicki/tenth in the world rankings/ in Banja Luka......
Swimming Olympic pool/Banja Luka....
Swimming pool/Banja Luka...

Cathedral of Christ the Saviour is Serbian Orthodox Cathedral located in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The church itself is amazing, especially the drawings and decorations inside. The square where the church is located is full of remains of original church and short explanations on the history of building and place. Church rooftop is covered with real gold....

Church of the Holy Trinity/Banja Luka........
The Bishop's Palace Banja Luka.....

On the banks of the Vrbas River, you can take a stroll amongst the weeping willows that droop their boughs into the water or stop by a riverside café and immerse yourself in a river brimming with wildlife.  You can even enjoy a dip in the summer or participate in sporting activities such as rafting and kayaking......
Vrbas river/Banja Luka-The city Banja Luka lies on the Vrbas river and is well known in the countries of the former Yugoslavia for being full of tree-lined avenues, boulevards, gardens and parks....Vrbas boat is called "dayak", a specific boat for the Vrbas river and the city of Banja Luka, as well as the gondola to Venice.Dayak boat is seven meters long and, to make it as easy as possible, is made of the high quality quercus oakdeal and regular rings. The most impressive details are the rudder and tip, which are made of one piece of wood.... . CLICK on ALL PHOTOS for HIGHER RESOLUTION!....
Vrbas river/The city Banja Luka...
.Vrbas river/Banja Luka....
In the heart of the city of Banja Luka stands Kastel, as a witness of the past, the skeleton of the present and the prediction of the future. Located in the very center of Banja Luka, the fortress has a rich history. The old walls of Kastel are there here to awaken our curiosity about the history of this city, a story of battles, trade, successes and failures, of which the witness and the culprit was the fortress itself.....

As you leave Banja Luka you are immediately on the road that follows the River Vrbas known for it’s world class white water river rafting through the Vrbas Canyon, offering stunning cliff and water scenery...
Rafting on the Vrbas river.... Banja Luka is the only city in Europe which offers night rafting!....Do you know of a similar center where possible night rafting, canoeing or cayaking? Illuminated trails and canyon? Yes, Vrbas Adventure Resort has an infrastructure that allows you to enjoy a night descent down the rapids and cascades, as well as the proven quality of the organization and conditions through organizing national, Balkan, European and World Championships and Cups in the kayak-canoeing and rafting. Vrbas Adventure Resort hosted the World Rafting Championships 2009. Vrbas is one of the few rivers in the world that meet the requirements for all disciplines of the sport. All this is more than enough reason to enjoy the emerald and crystal clear water....
Vrbas canyon is excellent place for the development of ecotourism, fishing and picnic tourism.....
K4 The Pub - Banja Luka ........The most popular Banja Luka picnic ground s can be founded at Banj Brdo located 4 kilometers or 40 minutes of walk from hostel Banja Luka. It is rich with forest, walking and mountaineering tracks, drinking spring water and designated areas for rest and recreation… of Novak Djokovic opened in Banja Luka/Banj Brdo...
Banja Luka International Airport......